About the CDL

What is the Conservation Data Lab?!?

Logo design by Chloe Walimaa

The Conservation Data Lab is a “ragtangle nature lovers and scientists hailing from an incredible diversity of backgrounds and skillsets, all here with the purpose of bettering ecosystems and ourselves” (Downing pers comm., 2020).

Started in fall of 2020 by Randy Swaty, Laura Slavsky, Cole Bonino, Mathurin Gagnon and Myles Walimaa, we use the coding language R, mapping software, mostly old laptops and whatever crafty means we come up with to wrangle, explore, map, summarize and present data. We also have some fun along the way!

Do you have a large dataset that needs a little work? Land management questions that require an understanding of vegetation conditions across a large area? Wonder how you might present your data in a new or interactive way?


Rachel Meier: Program management, GIS, Excel, data visualization, mentoring, coffee.

Randy Swaty: Founder and cheerleader-in-chief, R, GIS, data visualization, mentoring, coffee.


Current members



Pre-CDL contributors

Important Supporters